Saturday, January 25, 2014

2014 Grow Your Blog Party!

Grow Your Blog Party!!
I love to have fun! All you dear friends and followers of my blog KNOW that! What a fun 15 months it has been for me to share with you, to get to know you, to be inspired by you and to learn from you of the things you enjoying doing and post about on your own blogs.

I am not sure how many of my counted "95 followers" actually read my blog regularly, But I do appreciate your remarks and I enjoy the contact I receive from all who do comment. 

The majority of you I became acquainted with through the "2013 Grow Your Blog Party"
Hosted by 

Vicki Boster

Vicki is so gracious and is partying again this year!
Thanks, Vicki! You Rock!
To those of you who are here for the first time, WELCOME! 
If you'd like to know a bit about me, my very first blog post talks about why I decided to make a blog and about the things I love, which is pretty much what my blog is about. You can read that story HERE if you would like to. But let me give you fair warning.... I type as much as I talk and I talk a LOT!!!

I keep trying to pare it down, but I am similar to "Anne Shirley" of "Green Gables",
"If you only knew how much I wanted to say...and DIDN'T!" 
I do wear my heart on my ..."blogsleeve" so be prepared! I hope my blog entertains you if nothing more.

I have been sick the last few days and completely forgot about posting this for today!
So I am late to the party myself! But,  I love party gifts! Having you arrive at my blog is your gift to me and I want to offer a gift to one of my past followers as well as to someone who visits my blog today. You do not have to be a follower of my blog to win the giveaway.  Just comment on this post and your name will be added to a drawing to receive a Vintage Style Tag Kit.  It will include laces and pearls, buttons and fabrics from my stash, and a little something I have received from LuluLizInLalaland. She is a blogger  who got me going on my blog and is one of the friends who helped me learn to make tags. Check out her blog, she makes gorgeous tags and gift items. She also shows the lovely French brocante finds she sell in her Etsy Store. She has wonderful taste!

Here is a tag I have worked on this last week or two. I know tags are supposed to be quick little works of art. . .NOT MINE! I take a long time making them. This one in particular. My GrandGirl*2 is 18 months old and this is her 2012 Christmas Tag ornament. I haven't finished it because I just didn't like what I had planned previously. I was so happy when I found this image at TheOldDesignShop on Etsy, it is exactly the look I wanted! You can see GrandGirl*1's 2012 Christmas Tag Ornament HERE and you will see this matches the look of her sister's Tag. 
This image, to me seams too wide to use on a tag, so I changed it. I usually change patterns, in just about everything I do. It makes it my own that way!  Don't you love the details of the toys, pearls and candles on the tree? and that sweet big sister with the dolly in her arms. It just reminds me of my GrandGirls! They live in Germany, so I only got to imagine what Christmas was like at their home this year. We did get to Skype with them and that is always so much fun! My daughter does not actually have a Nanny/Nurse for her children, so I decided the nurse could be out of the picture. But I still wanted to use "The First Christmas" since 2012 Christmas was GG*2's first Christmas.

I made a few copies of the image and cut out the areas I wanted to use on the Tag.  Out of the second image, I cut out the small toys on the tree, in addition to the baby and the message script, since I wanted those elements to be 3 dimensional.  I glued the base pictures to my scrapbook card stock background, with the music staff on the top, antiqued the edges of each cut out piece and added gel pen accents the toys, pearls and candles on the tree. I think that moving the baby down to the floor worked quite well, it looks as if she is realistically reaching up in joy and wonder at the Christmas tree. And there her older sister is, pointing to the things she likes! I am sure this happened at my GrandGirls house.
It happened when their Mother was the older sister. Everyday she would show her baby sister her favorite ornaments on our tree.

 This Tag is similar to the first, but a little different, for me! I am making my Grands Tag Ornaments that will also be a reminder of their gift that year.  GG*2 received a pretty lacy dress from Papa and I, so there is lace across the bottom of the tag.  If they are here for Christmas, there will be a Grands Christmas Tree, with tags like theirs on it.

These are such fun for me to make. If I wasn't such a perfectionist, it would go faster.
I will have to see what I can do about that!

Here are the final tags, one for Grandgirl*2 and one for Mimi and Papa. the back of the tag has her name and the year it was given to her on it.  I think this is a great tradition...for now!

I hope you enjoyed the tags and have fun at the Blog Party!
Thanks for coming by!

And Thanks Again, Vicki!

PS ~ The giveaway Winner will be announced on February 15th!
Thank you so much for your comments, they mean so much to me!


  1. I'm on a journey myself, terribly out of balance for a long time. I think, hope, reading your blog will help. I love vintage tags but had never thought of making my own, such a neat idea.

  2. Hi...I found your blog through last year's party and enjoy reading your posts. This is such a fun way to discover new blogs. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

  3. curious - the header shots - the castle - where is that located? i need to see that beauty in person. amazing!! hi there. i'm Beth from E. Lizard Breath Speaks - so nice to meet you through the Grow Your Blog get together/party. ( :

    1. The Castle is the Braunfels Castle in Braunfels, Germany. It is gorgeous inside as well as out. I took this picture from a distance as we were arriving to tour it.

  4. Hi Betsy - welcome to the party -- thank you for participating! I hope you make lots of new friends over the next few days and even weeks --- you will see that for a long time people will continue to drop by!


    1. They did for a LONG time after last year's party! Thank you so much for everything!
      You are wonderful!

  5. Hi Betsy, I'm stopping by from the party! have a great visiting all the blogs and making new friends, hope you get lots of Followers too!
    I love making Tags too. have a creative week!
    Hugs Marilou

  6. Hi Betsy. I am reading blogs tonight catching up with my friends. It does take longer when we want our project to have that certain look. Your tags are awesome and I don't know how I would be if my grandsons were far away. I go see them whenever I need a grandma fix and a change of scenery. The grow your blog party sure is fun this year. A lot of new blogs to check out. Have a wonderful Sunday. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  7. Your tags are just beautiful, Betsy!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog yesterday and leaving a lovely comment :)
    I'm now a follower, I'll be back when it's less frantic - still catching up from the GYB party...

  8. Good morning Betsy, so happy to see you at the party-your tags are gorgeous-and I love your blog it is so pretty-
    Enjoy the party Kathy

  9. Those are beautiful, coming over to visit. I am a followers of yours! Di

  10. Your tags are beautiful! Such intricate detail too, lovely.
    I found your trough the Grow your Blog party-new follower too!
    Happy Day To you-

  11. I love Anne Shirley with an "E" much, we have a cat named after her!

  12. What a beautiful post, Betsy. I love the tags and cards - they are beautiful and appreciate you sharing the memories too! Your previous post was also gorgeous!

  13. Love your tags! I just did an altered book event at the library I work at. I was thinking of doing artist trading cards next. Maybe tags & bookmarks too!

    Thanks for visiting my redwork/ embroidery blog yesterday. My follow button is working now if you would like to stop back...

  14. I am so glad you finished those gorgeous tags and have finally posted photos of them! They will be treasured forever. xxx

  15. Oh my, your blog is quite charming and simply beautiful! Found you via the 'Grow Your Blog' event and am happy to say I am a new follower. I eagerly look forward to visiting again :) Hugs and blessings to you!

  16. Your tags are beautiful.

    I look forward to seeing more of your lovely work.

  17. Hello Betsy, I love visiting your blog it always make me smile. Your tags are gorgeous. Hugs Judy

  18. Hi Betsy,

    We're still working our way through the amazing lists of blogs on the GYB event. Love your crafts and pictures--how talented you are! We are signed up to follow you and see where life takes you.

    Deb and Kathy

  19. So meticulous, to the tiniest detail!

  20. Love your tag. I have really enoyed going through you blog and am looking forward to more of what you have to share.

  21. What a sweet tag with so much meaning for the recipient. I look foward to see others.

  22. Wow so lovely to see you joining the Party my dear friend! Your tags are GORGEOUS! Have you joined Tag Tuesday? This may be the impetus you need to keep your creative role going.
    I really hope you meet some lovely like minded friends here to share all the things you love and create!
    I'll be in touch soon again hopefully,
    All the very best for now,

  23. Hey Betsy, I love your little tags they are just so reminiscent of old times which I love. I am going to take a stroll around your blog and check out your other endeavors. It has been lovely meeting you.


  24. Your tags are lovely and creative; visiting via Vicki's GYBP and enjoying your blog.

  25. Pleased to meet you on the GYB Circuit, Betsy! I am a new follower of your lovely blog and look forward to your posts. I will come back and learn more about "tags" - they are beautiful. best, deborah I am at:

  26. I'd love to make some tags and win your Vintage Style Tag Kit.

  27. My comment does not want to load - sorry if it doubles up.
    Hello Betsy, visiting you while on a blog hop for the GYBP. Admiring everything about your blog - the header is beautiful, and the tags are sweet. I have never seen a tag before.

  28. Hello Betsy with your heart string on your sleeve after a quick read I knew I was going to like your blog , my name is Dawn your my one stop on the blog party, Hope that I soon will be friends with all of you cyber neighbors. I just say that 600 plus bloggers that sign up to the Party and I am only up to 119 whew a lot of good read and great giveaways. Thanks for this opportunity to join friends with you and be apart of your giveaway. Can't wait to see more of your great projects in the making. My site

  29. Hi Dear Betsy,
    Your tags are so beautiful !!! You did a wonderful job. I love them !! Your granddaughters must be so happy with
    such a great gift.They are going to treasure this so much !! It is always a pleasure to read your posts....... :) !!
    Thank you, dear friend, for your visits and sweet comments on my blog.

    Blessings and Hugs !!

  30. Your blog is just lovely! So nice to meet you at the party. I'll be following!

  31. Your blog and your tags are perfectly perfect! I have loved visiting all these new blogs! I knew they were out there, I just needed a way to find them!



  32. I love your blog and your tags. Now a follower and hopefully a winner. Jackie

  33. Such beautiful works of art!! This has been quite the party! So nice to meet you and will be looking forward to following along with you on your journey. xx's Kim

  34. What beautiful tags - and the effort put into them is tremendous - they are really beautiful I nice to meet you and learn about some of your life. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Hi Betsy--thanks so much for visiting me via the GYBP :) I love tags too. Definitely include my name for a chance at your giveaway. Thanks, Diana

  36. Your tags are just beautiful. Love the dimensional effect! Nice to meet you!

  37. Hi Betsy --- I am so happy to have you and your beautiful blog participating in my GYB party this year! I see that you have already made some new friends -- and I am sure that you will continue to make more!

    You are the winner of one of the set of books written by my friend Karen Gass -- if you will please send me a private email with your mailing address - I will forward that to Karen and she will send you autographed copies of her books -- I think that you will love them!

    Congrats --


Thank you for coming by and taking the time to comment.
Your comments warm my heart!