Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Happiest of New Years to You! 2013!

To my sweet followers and anyone else visiting today, I wish you a New Year of Happy Months!

Make this year the year to tell those people who are important to you how much you care for them, every month choose some friends to express your feelings with.
Yesterday, two very sweet women I know passed away. They have both influenced my life, I have hugged them, worked with them, prayed for them at times, and thanked them for their friendship and service and for the joy they have brought into my life...I haven't seen either of them very often, but I have thought about them both and I do know their children.
Daughter#1's Wedding Cake, isn't it beautiful? Wish I had a better picture!
The elder friend of the two was also a dear friend of my Mom-in-law's...she helped my Mom-in-law and Sis-in-law make the wedding cakes for our daughters' weddings, as well as helped my Mom-in-law decorate our wedding cake almost 32 years ago.
I have had lots of laughs with My MIL and her while working on cakes through the years.  I watched and "helped" with dishes and expressions of "It's gonna Fall!" and "Perfect!" and "So beautiful, no one will realize the work you have put into this." I was SO grateful when she was able to come and help. My MIL said she didn't know if she could make the cakes without her. Such fun gals, and so talented and creative and sweet...
The younger of the two is not much older than I am. She feels like a sweet sister to me, and we have had fun at our Church Youth Girls Camp, singing and hiking and teaching knot tying skills! We have mutual friends who are also dear to us, and her youngest son is the age of my Daughter#3, and was married just two years ago.  She had had a heart valve replaced some 25 years ago. We would kid her about being able to find her in hide and seek because you could hear her heart valve ticking! She has a beautiful singing voice and a beautiful generous heart.  I think she just loved so much she wore it out, but rather early, in my opinion. Always a smile on her face, and beautiful long blonde hair.

Both of these women have encouraged me and confided in me and loved me and brought joy into my life. I wish I would have expressed that to them I express it to Heavenly Father, hoping that He will pass along that feeling of gratitude and love I have for them.
To all of you that I love... you know who you are, and I will never stop loving you, "And when I'm gone our love will still be there,... It will always be there....."
Heart hugs and happiness to you this New Year, 2013!


  1. Oh Lanette, how very sad to lose such dear friends. They sound like wonderful women and I am so glad you have such great memories of them and your times together. I wish I could give you a big hug to make you feel a little better. Lets just hope that the new year from now on brings you nothing but happiness and joy. I wish you and your family all the best for 2013. xxxxx

    1. Sweet Liz,
      Thanks so much for coming by. Your help and encouragement is what gave me the courage to start this blog. I am learning so much and enjoying it. I still have lots to learn. It has been so wonderful getting to know you through "blogland", I have joy in my heart through your friendship.
      Heart hugs to you, dear friend,

  2. Hi Betsy,
    I am sad for the loss of these two special women. I know there will be a void there, but the Lord will fill it and remind you of the wonderful bond you shared, and all the joyful times. May your New Year be blessed with comfort, joy, and lots of love, sweetie.

    Hugs and prayers,

  3. Betsy - You are now loaded in for the Grow Your blog party - so you are all set. Updates are on my blog - see you on the 19th

    1. Vicki,
      Thanks so much for the Grow Your Blog Party opportunity! I have met some new blogging friends and it is so much fun. Can you please send me your address? I ahve a gift for you as well! Thanks so much!

  4. Sorry for you loss, blessed by your memories! Your photos are fabulous!

    1. Robyn,
      Thanks for your acknowledgement of the loss, I miss them when I htink about them. It is amazing how much others influence our lives, I am grateful for sweet friends, and the memories we make together...
      Hearts to you,


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