Friday, January 11, 2013

Finally, a New Project!

Hello bloggy friends!
I finally decided what to post about! What have I been doing.....? Checking out all of YOUR blogs and feeling somewhat, bleh and overwhelmed with all I really "should" be doing. So, last Saturday evening, I finally ordered myself into my, I was NOT going call it that workroom?...I keep trying to call it a studio.....since I put "Designer" on my new business cards....but I haven't really felt like a true artist.... using someone else's pattern or at least looking at an idea to get my creative juices flowing,...I don't ALWAYS use someone else's pattern actually, I can remember MANY things I have come up with all by myself...Okay, Mrs. ADD, get back on topic.... I have a very .....full will find Many things in that room...sewing machine, fabrics, needles and pins, rotary cutter, scissors, quilt rulers, patterns for clothing for children, silk flowers, baskets, tins, buttons, acrylic paints, brushes, glue guns...yes,  guns...plural, spray paint in a variety of colors, stamps and scrapbook paper, a sculpted witch head...and clothing for a doll body, vintage glass, vintage buttons, vintage fabric, vintage....lace and lace and upholstery fabric and....I digress...and you get the picture...or a little of it anyway.

The room needs to be cleaned and organized... big time. I have gone in there and wrapped laces around thread spools and spent hours...but, it is a VERY big job, and I just decided to try to straighten it another way. I am going to finish each project that is sitting on the table first, and then move around the room. This bird house has been in the room, (see, I just can't type studio...) for 3 years and on the table for about that many months.  As I worked on it, it became a winter birdhouse and there are no birds living in it now. But, the memory of birds who lived there in the past lingers still...
It isn't finished at this stage, but my daughter and sister had called and asked, "What are you doing?" so I texted these pictures to them.

I will add some more frostiness to the house and some icy bling possibly, but I am not completey sure how it will finish up...I would love to add a winter visitor, but I haven't decided who it will be yet...the moss is quite green and it is hard to see the off white paint I pounced on it in these pictures.  I may add some more of it...Oh....I HAVE AN IDEA!!! But you will have to see it when I finish!

I love bird nest twigs, and they needed to be lightly frosted. I am sure the birds who lived here last spring loved decorating their house. Though the leaves have fallen, the branches remain, reminding that spring  will come again, and possibly a new family will find a home here...
I really enjoyed painting the layers and it was delightful to see the birdhouse start to come togther. I realized that maybe I am an artist of some sort.  I love details and many times just finish a project and say "It's done...". But this one just asked for more detail, and I am going to enjoy it and not rush through it as I have with some projects. Maybe some day I will learn to do it more quickly, but that is not today....  I will show you the finished bird house in a future post!

Hugs to your hearts and homes, stay cozy warm!



  1. This little Birdhouse is wonderful!
    Have a lovely weekend,

    1. Claudia,
      So glad to see you here, you commented about 2 minutes after I finished posting made my heart sing!
      I appreciate you and your thoughtfulness!
      Hearts to you,

  2. Hi Betsy! Your studio sounds like mine! I cleared and organized everything, and started pulling out stuff to create with last night, and it looks a bit crazy again!! But I love what I made!! So it's all good!

    Don't know if you are aware of it or not, but you have the word verification on your comments. I've found that many more people will comment if they don't have to mess with that. Just thought you might like to know.
    Hope you have a delightful weekend!!

    1. Becky,
      Oh, man....I thought that was NOT turned on...that makes me feel better. I was afraid my blog was too boring to post a comment!LOL I am so glad you informed me. I just took that off and learned some more about the process. Thanks for coming by, you helped me lots!

  3. Oh and I love your bird house! I can't seem to be able to refrain from adding a little bling to everything I create!! I guess I just love sparkle, even thought I don't have a bunch of sparkly stuff in my home!

    1. And, I am glad you like the birdhouse, I am excited to see what else it will become. I have decided that I need to post during daylight hours and go to sleep on the same day I wake up....I can concentrate better on the post if I do that! I am like you, I love to add sparkle, though I have very little bling in my home. The icy sparkle I do have a little of, but only in winter and at Christmas.
      Hearts to you!

  4. Oh, the layers are fabulous! I really didn't catch them at first, then there is something, almost hidden, everywhere you look. Definitely an artist!

    1. Jacqueline,
      Thanks so much for stopping by! I really enjoy creating...but never have thought of myself as artistic...So it is even a surprise to me! It will be a fun surprise to see how it all turns out!
      Hearts to you,

  5. Hi Betsy,
    I'm so happy you stopped by my blog. Thank you for your darling comment.
    I agree...a dolly quilt is in order. They're so much fun to make!
    I love your mossy covered birdhouse. What a sweet retreat it will make for the birds of Spring!
    Blessings and warm wishes,

    1. Carolynn,
      I have had great fun making the quilts I have made. I have tied many, and quilted only a handful. three of those were pieced and hand quilted...Ironically, one was the quilt I made for our crib and all my children used tit at night to sleep with in the crib. It matched all the other accessories in the room. And the other two were for my two married daughters. From birth to the birth of their own family...I have another one cut out and partly pieced for the next daughter. She is the child that loved all threee of the quilts I sewed and tied for her. She requested one else asked for more!LOL
      I think the birdhouse will go under my deck on my workbench where I pot my plants in the spring....birds always try to make a nest on the deck. This way, it will be a prebuilt home! Thanks for coming!

  6. Hi Betsy,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's always nice to meet new people. Your birdhouse is so cute! Love the moss!


    1. Debbie,
      Thank you for visiting mine! We love 'hot chocolate' parties at our house. been doing it for almost 20 years now...My 16 year old is planning a "Hot Chocolate Party" for her childhood girlfriends. They are all Juniors in high school now, and they decided they should all dress up and come over for Hot chocolate with her tea set she has had since she was 4. They always loved it as small children. I will HAVE to post about THAT!!!

  7. Hi Betsy, thank you so much for stopping by & leaving such lovely comments! You must miss your family so much I do hope you get to visit throughout the year? Baby Audrey is doing very well as is her mum! She is a very settled little one luckily! I am your newest follower & looking forward to catching up more often. Best wishes Kerry x

    1. Kerry,
      Thank you for following my blog! I have enjyed yours immensely! hold that baby for me and give her a kiss... I am happy for your daughter that Audrey is a settled baby, that is so nice to have one of those! Picnic in your apple trees for me, as well. Hope al iw well with you!
      Hearts to you,

  8. How adorable! I just bought a little unfinished house....I wonder if this would work for it!

    1. I bet it would! I am still not finished with this one...but I will get back to it and post about it again....
      Have fun with your little unfinished house, I cant' wait to see it !


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Your comments warm my heart!