Sunday, November 1, 2015

Doing What I Have Always Done...

Doesn't change the results of my plans... I know, I've read that quote about how doing what you've always done and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity.. Or stupidity... Or one of those ..."ity" words...

But I have decided to stop beating myself for the things I don't finish to the exact plan or to "perfection". "Mostly finished", in many areas, is also beautiful! Such as this area I planted flowers last spring. I've been desiring to plant this area for 17 years, at least. But the perfect look, of plants or embellishments to cover the items in this area that are not pretty ... Those details kept me from doing anything for years.
I have plans to cover the telephone post with a tall box stand with a birdhouse mounted to the top. I even bought the wood! I also have an idea about covering the electrical box, we will see what that looks like later!!! (If you look in the post prior to this one, you can see what this garden looked like when I first planted it!)
Is it finished? No....Is it perfect? No... But as I pass my garden space leaving my home or come into the drive returning home, it makes me smile and happy that I was brave enough to just do something in that area. I love the flowers I chose, mixed in with the wild orchard grasses, and that log has been there for years while I tried to decide where to put it, but I love it there now. 
Remember the kitties I bottle fed? They are still alive! That was a good thing I spent time at, finishing the garden was pushed aside for that. 
 And remember these gorgeous Grandgirls? They were here for three weeks in August with their parents and we had a wonderful time! The garden was even squashed partially for pictures with these girls...definitely, gladly pushed aside for them.... and the garden survived it and grew even more. 

I've been trying to get used to just hubby and I at home again, it threw me again this I decided to do some things for myself. I've been running all over the place it seems, only getting a few things done. But one thing I have done is exercise! I've lost 20 pounds this year! And hopefully by year end I will have lost more! So, finishing the garden has been pushed aside for my exercise schedule, three days a week 45 minutes away from home...

I keep telling myself it's worth it, I keep telling myself I'll feel better... My knees and hips do not agree with my brain, however and they scream sometimes!!!  But I am trying to stay determined to stick to it. I am struggling, I keep messing up my eating...I am an emotional eater....but I am now going to throw away the left over Halloween candy, thank goodness it has wheat in it or I'd really be in trouble!

So, I will enjoy what is left of the garden's beauty this year and next year I will make a little more progress. Maybe by next spring I will have lost a bit more weight and gained a bit more confidence in myself and my ability to stay committed to change...I am struggling with the changes. I keep telling myself that I can change this, I can stop doing what I have always done in this area... I just have to keep going...

Blog Hugs and Bloggy Love to Whomever may still be folowing my blog. I appreciate your comments.



  1. I am so proud of you! It doesn't matter if a wall hanging has 20 instead 22 beads. Just because you thought perhaps one more is needed. Nobody else will see it that way, they will see just a beautiful piece created by you. And it doesn't matter if a garden isn't perfectly manicured, if the flowers that you did plant give you so much pleasure. And as to losing weight, darnit girl, I am so envious, I can't lose just one pound! You are doing great! xxxxx

    1. Lizzy!!
      You are so sweet, your encouragement and confidence in me is so kind. It has been too long since this last post, almost seems like a lifetime ago. I may just pick up this blog again, and see who is still following. But I think I will do it for myself, just like I always did!
      hugs, Girl!!


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