Friday, May 15, 2015

Some Organization Fun!

A few months ago I was able to get some organization and cleaning done.

My kitchen was clean and ready for a party! Yay for parties! They motivate me to get things done!

The living room even had the picnic table in it for extra seating! 

The dining room table wouldn't be able to hold all our guests. We have seating for 8, but we invited all the family that lives locally and that is a FEW more than 8! (I even got my curtains finished and up!)

My sweet SonInLaw*1 asked if he could help out with anything... ;)... You might think that after 10 years he would know better than to ask that! But he keeps asking and helping me! He is 6'7" tall and 
I appreciate his help so much!
He hung my plate rack I have had for a few months. I needed more places to store dishes, so why not above the dish cabinet! 

Guess what kind of party we had??? 
A baby shower for a sweet great nephew of my MomInLaw's! Hubby's Cousin's Daughter and her hubby live in our area. And we are the only family of her Father for 350 miles, so they are included in Family get togethers. 

This get together was in honor of their expected new baby boy! So the entry table had a few vintage mementoes placed on it. The white fabric baby boy shoe was our Son's shoe 23 years ago. Not quite vintage...

I love my handmade mohair bunny! I purchased him a few years ago from a friend who makes these from vintage coats. I love his comfortable pose!

This is what the kitchen looked like before we were ready for the party...


Brownie cupcakes...mess

Cake decorating accessories...MESS!!!

FUN MESS!!!! We were trying to make a soft blue and soft green look, but feeling a bit lazy we used purchased Wilton Frosting in the tubes.... It is NOT the same consistency as our homemade frosting is. We added white to the colors and they got lighter, but also more limp. So the perky little booties my MomInLaw usually makes looked more like the slouch sox Dr. Suess put on Thing 1 and Thing 2 in "the Cat in the Hat"! That should have been our theme! So, I just went with it and made crazy frosting on the brownies! So much for a vintage pastel look!!! And they were more like our Seattle Seahawks colors!!! But we had a great time at the party, even though I forgot to take pictures with our guests in them! 
And this sweet handsome boy made his entrance into the world a few weeks later, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, 19 1/2 inches long! Welcome to the family sweet cousin/nephew!!! 
Hugs and baby love to all my blogging friends! 


  1. Congrats auntie! And 6'7" - oh my! but that would be helpful. It all looks great.

  2. Ah yes, there is nothing more motivating than expecting company. Haha! We're in the same boat, sister! I think your brownie cupcakes look great and I bet they tasted delicious. Baby boy is beautiful! Congratulations!

  3. oh don't we all love it when we are having a lot of company......we get more projects done than when we have all the time in the world to do them and don't get to them. What a fun party and what a beautiful baby boy......thanks for sharing


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