Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Summer and Autumn on the Farm

Happy November to all of you lovely blog friends! 
I have been absent from my blog for so long, I thought I had better
check in with you all and let you know I am still alive!

We had a busy summer that included...
landscaping block, sore arms, legs, and hands for weeks...arthritis has arrived.

Yard getting ready for summer and reunion, new fire pit!
Old canopy~ new use!
Daughter*4, youngest child, graduating from high school,
She was the Salutatorian and gave an awesome speech at Graduation.
She and her BFF just after the ceremony finished!At the academic assembly, she received Excellent Senior awards
from six teachers and other awards as well. She had a whole pile after the assembly. 

Hubby's surgery, and 2nd picc line and recovery for 10 weeks,

Then there were strawberries, and raspberries, and cherries, and more yard work,
Old fire pit becomes new miniature rose garden. You can see the newest
orchard the farm on the trellises beyond the rose garden.
reorganizing and dejunking in the house, more landscape blocks,
preparing for my family reunion that was here at our house,

recovering from the family reunion, LOL, spending time with my niece's family
and moving our Son back home after working with them for the summer,
holding their new baby! and playing with their children and son's co-workers,
preparing for Daughter*4 and Son to leave for college, physically AND emotionally.

So.. we are empty nesters......
hmmm....figuring out how THIS is supposed to work, sounds like something that
shouldn't be hard, but I find that it is a challenge for me.

I guess since I didnt' really find the balance I was seeking that first year and a half blogging
....and I took a six plus month break...I want to focus on balance again.

I have learned some things that DO NOT bring balance, and I want to better incorporate
things that I DO know bring balance for me.

So, I hope to see you visiting and commenting again,
I have a few more very busy weeks, but I hope to keep up again.

A few more pictures that show you about our summer!

This hill has been covered in weeds for years. This summer, Daughter*4 and I kept it mostly cleaned off.
Next summer, I will plant lavender all over it. The hostas  and roses will be transplanted.

The sheer curtains kept the heat off during the family reunion along with misters that kept us cool.
The farm pumpkin patch, Great Niece and Nephews and their parents were here for Halloween. Here are the Jack-o-lanterns
they made with Dad's help! Yummy Chicken and Rice in a baked pumpkin for dinner that night.

The last of the Autumn roses, it froze the next day, so I was glad these last buds were picked and brought in to dry
on the candelabra on the kitchen table. It has been COLD and frosty since then!
So thankful for my wonderful children, so grateful my hubby is well and recovered, 
it was a year filled with health issues for us.
So thankful for extended family and the love they share with us,
So grateful for a beautiful area of the world to live in 
and for the blessing of being able to live on a farm.
So grateful for challenges in life, that help me to see how wonderful the good times are!

Hope your summer and Autumn have been rewarding!



  1. So glad you are back and well. You sure have been busy. I love that sun dial - hope to have one myself someday, but where I would have it is currently under a bramble of blackberries:)

  2. Oh my goodness, a blog post from you! Yay, I am so happy you are posting again,although I bruised my butt when I fell of my chair, it was such a surprise ;-). I know from our chats how hard you worked and how worrying your health issues were. I am glad that both you and your husband are better. And just look at that beautiful, bright daughter of yours, what a joy she is to you. xxx

  3. Welcome back, Lady! And I'm a little mesmerized by your farm photos!! WOW! Oh, I would love to see more! Please!


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Your comments warm my heart!