Saturday, June 29, 2013

"So, what did YOU do last evening....?

You know, I am much happier when I get to
choose to defrost my freezer than when circumstances force me to do so...
Aren't YOU??????
This WAS one of the HAPPIER times I have cleaned my freezer, thank heaven!

Thanks to my partner in grime, dear friend Marcella, it only took me three hours to do it. I don't think I have EVER DONE IT that quickly, but I have not had help ever before either!
This is how it looks now, clean and organized and sorted, I only had to throw away a few things that had been in there too long. Now I have room for "guest food" when all my family is here in a few weeks. I am so excited! 
I have a long list of "To Do's", but at least One Freezer Cleaning is marked off the list!!! Yay!!!!
I had one of those milk chocolate Ice Cream bars as my reward!!!! 
You'll be seeing more of my "work" and organization.... I have to tell you I am getting organized!!! It IS a BIG deal for me to be organized! And raspberries are ripening as I type. 
I think I will make raspberry jam in bottles this year. I don't know if I will have time to clean out the chest freezer before they are ripe.
I am so proud of me!!!! What are you proud of yourself for?
Whatever it is.......YOU ROCK!!!!!


  1. You can come clean my out if you like:?) That is a job I don't care for either. Are your fingers all pink from berries yet?

  2. Almost stained red! It is good it washes off eventually. Between the strawberries and the sweet cherries....those stain REALLY bad, it looks like I have been butchering meat or something!
    Thanks for coming by!


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