Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Yes...You Are...

To all my lovely friends and followers,

My dear sweet friend Marcella's  Father passed away yesterday. There was a smile on his face and
a tear in his eye, just prior to taking his last breath.
 I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to say "Thank you for loving me just the way I am!" 
to him and to have had his influence and cheerfulness in my life.  

This joyous song has been going through my head since I left his home yesterday.
Please open this link to listen to the song as you read along.

How Bright Is The Day

How bright is the day when all people,
Receive the sweet message to come
To rise to the mansions of Glory
And be there, forever at Home.

And be there, forever at home,
And be there, forever at home,
To rise to the mansions of Glory
And be there, forever at Home.

The Angels stand ready and waiting,
The moment the spirit is gone,
To carry it upward to Heaven
And welcome it safely at Home.

And be there, forever at home,
And be there, forever at home.
To rise to the mansions of Glory,
And be there, forever at Home.

The Saints that have gone up before us 
All raise a new shout as we come
And sing "Hallelujah!" the louder
To welcome the travelers Home!

And be there forever at Home,
And be there forever at Home,
To rise to the mansions of Glory
And be there forever at Home,

And be there forever at Home,
And be there forever at Home,
To rise to the mansions of Glory. . .
And be there forever, and ever, and ever,
And be there forever and ever and ever, 
And be there forever and ever and ever and..
And be there forever and ever and ever
And be there, forever at Home!

Of course, I was crying all the drive home trying to sing this, and
I DO hope there aren't ANYMORE invitations sent for awhile
to this party going on in heaven right now...
Prayers are offered and blessings of peace and comfort
requested for 
The Holger and Wilma Johnson Family
as well as for all those affected by the events at
The Boston Marathon,
which pretty much includes us all. . .

My heart aches and rejoices at this time for those who have gone on before us,
as well as their families who mourn their departure.
My heart also aches and rejoices for those of us are still traveling here.
We will remember them, and keep them alive in our memory.
They will remember us, and Welcome us Home when is it our turn.

Heart Hugs to you all!



  1. Good morning,
    I've been told (multiple times) I was born in the wrong century. As a friend of mine told me this once, I said, "I think I was born in the right time; otherwise there would be nobody to appreciate all that came before me." That is not just items, but people too. As much as I miss those who have passed, I look forward to seeing them again one day (but not for a long time.)
    I don't have any wise words just sharing in thoughtful pondering.

    1. I love enjoy your thoughtful pndering, girl!

  2. Good Morning Betsy, I happened to be watching television when the explosion happened in Boston. I knew we had people going from this area and you wondered if they were all right. Had they crossed the finish line or just where were they. I still think about the people that I have lost and the tears come to my eyes. We are never prepared, but knowing that we will join them one day makes it a little more acceptable. I love the song that you posted. To change the subject a little, I love seeing the pictures from the previous post. The lace was absolutely beautiful. Your girls really did a great job of taking care of mom. Mine take turns calling each day to make sure I am o.k. with hubby in the nursing home. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

    1. Shirley,
      Thanks so much for your kind words. My son, who is 20, LOVES this song and wants it to be sung at his own funeral!
      Actually, if I understand it correctly, the man who wrote this song, wrote it a few days before he died and it WAS sung at his funeral!
      I'll have to do a little digging and see if that is an accurate story.
      Hearts to you my friend!

  3. sorry for your friend's lost and yours.
    it was wonderful to hear from you. loving your blog- I knew it would be lovely,



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