Sunday, February 3, 2013

Party Favor Giveaway!!!

I just want to congratulate 
Lady Locust 

 She is the winner of the 
Party Favor 

I am giving away from the 
sponsored by Vicki at 2 Bags Full Blog
Vicki!!!! Thanks so much for your warm thoughtfulness in helping those
of us who wanted to grow our blogs and meet new friends and
follow more blogs, and see who else in blogland
makes things we love and can learn from.
You Are The BEST!

AND, I found out that Lady Locust lives just a few hours from me!
How fun is that!!!!

To my new friends and followers, I am so glad to have you visit here. I hope my posts are 
uplifting, helpful, nice to look at, inspire your creativity, or motivational.
I know they will never be all of those things in one post...
BUT, I hope if nothing else, they are entertaining...
Just check out my post about my 2012 Halloween Treat Making. . .
There you will meet the REAL ME!!! 

I have been gone for a week to my reunion with my sisters as well as a short trip with my hubby 
for our 32nd anniversary, which was yesterday, Sunday Feb. 3.
No, we did not watch the Super Bowl,
that is not what anniversaries are about....

Hearts to you,



  1. Happy anniversary, Happy reunion, and happy blogging. Congrats to winner.

    1. Annabelle, you are so sweet! you comment on my blog so quickly after i post it! i know you are across the ocean from me and it is your morning, but I get to go to my bed when i am finished with a smile on my face. Thanks for the hapiness you add to my happy heart!
      Hugs to your heart,

  2. Congrats to Lady Locust! And to you for finding a new friend so close to home - I have met some of the nicest people through blogging, and been able to meet up with quite a few of them, as well. Sounds like you had a fabulous week - here's to another, starting today! Tanya

    1. Thanks TAnya, you have a great week as well!
      I enjoyed looking at your blog yesterday!

  3. Hello, Betsy! I am a new follower to your blog and I am also a new blogger. Happy Anniversary!

    1. Lynn,
      Thanks for coming by and for following! I tried to find your blog, but could not. I hope you will lead me to it sometime!

  4. Hello, Betsy, Dear! First, Happy Anniversary! I've come to you from the "Grow Your Blog" list that Vicki at Two Bags full has so kindly left up...(It was over before I heard about it!)I am so happy to have found your delightful blog, and am now following!
    Please visit me if you get the chance!
    Anne ♥

    1. Thanks for coming by, Anne, glad to see you here ANYTIME!!! Never late!


Thank you for coming by and taking the time to comment.
Your comments warm my heart!