Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What a Happy Surprise!

Oh, My Goodness!
I am so thrilled that I had so many bloggers interested in my little space of Blogland!
Surprised, and happy, and excited and surprised and....you know what I mean!
It has been so much fun getting to know you all a little through your comments here and looking at your blogs.
Vicki from 2 Bags Full Blog, thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart for taking the time and effort for us to all benefit from your wonderful blog and blogging expertise! You and your "team" are amazing!

Those of you who found me through this party I am so glad you came! Hope you find ideas and fun and recipes and comfort you might enjoy.... Thank you all for your kind comments and sharing with me.

I am trying to see if I can post a decent blog post with my phone here so we shall see if THIS will happen again from the phone! Wish me luck!

Happiness to you from my heart, and believe it or not, my master bathroom! That is where this picture was taken!

Well, that much was from the phone camera.....I needed more light in the picture....I don't know how to put a picture in the middle of the post, or if I even can. I didn't see anywhere on my phone that I could adjust that....I really like being able to edit the pictures...I bet there is a phone app for THAT! So...
if any of you know anything about how to do this with a phone or where I can find information about how to do it....please let me know!!  (I am on the computer now, so I could look at it and fix the info to link to Vicki's Blog...)

A few new pictures this morning, checking out the light ...

This one doesn't really look much different than the first... It has been so cloudy here, the daylight isn't bright at all.
I will keep working at it and maybe get better!

By the way, I love my terracotta cherub bell...I have peach, mostly a slightly pink peach, not apricot, throughout my house. I have a few different versions of cherubs, all terracotta, and I am contemplating painting them with a fairly thin wash, so they look softer, but the peach still shows through...What do you think....??

Have a beautiful day! Hearts to you!



  1. Good Morning, At least you got your picture on your blog and mine is still on my camera. You can see it, but I haven't figured out how to from Point A to Point B. I hope you have a wonderful day. Your New Missouri Friend.

    1. Shirley,
      I did figure out that you take the picture while writing the blog post and it shows up at the bottom of the blogger screen...IF that is the point B of which you speak! LOL I am going to play some more, I'd like to learn how to do this!
      Hearts toyou this wintery day!

  2. love the glow in your shot there. nice. have a warm day. it's 8 degrees here in VA. ( :

    1. Beth,
      It is a rip roarin' 21 degrees here, we are having a heat wave compared to you!
      Hope your day gets warmer! Our temps are staying right around 20 degrees the last few weeks...I am enjoying my fireplace!

  3. Replies
    1. Patrice,
      It has been a fun blog hop! Thanks for coming by,

  4. Beautiful blog! I'm late for the party ... but that's nothing new for me! LOL You have a new follower here. :)

    1. Hilary,
      I am still here, it's not too late! And I am late much of the time as well, so no worries!
      Thanks for following, I hope you enjoy it!

  5. Thanks, Debbie,
    I am going to try to add another picture today and see if the lighting is better. I am also going to lok aroe phone app that "pretties up pictures"!
    Thanks for coming by!

  6. Betsy, I love your blog! I am still catching up on GYB fellow bloggers, as I was out of town on the 19th.

    I am your newest follower, ands by the way the pictures look lovely!

    Please come by The Pink Geranium, and follow, if you like what you see!



    1. Jan,
      Thanks for coming by, so glad you could make it! I will be looking on your blog soon, I love red Ivy Geraniums. I have baskets I plant them in each year. Three hanging baskets and three metal baskets that are attached to our deck railing. Do you know where you can get starts or seeds for those? I haven't been able to find them....I would like to get some started instead of paying so much for them! See you at your blog soon!
      Hearts to you,

  7. Hello Betsy,

    Happy for you that your blog is growing !
    I signed in to follow last week.
    Love your cherubpictures as they are.
    Really enjoy this 'GYB' party.

    You're very welcome to visit me
    on my blog. Shabby Royale.

    Blessings, Wilma.


    1. Wilma,
      My Blog HAS grown! Thanks so much for coming by. I love your Blog....will visit often!


Thank you for coming by and taking the time to comment.
Your comments warm my heart!