Sunday, November 4, 2012

Beautiful Sunday....

I enjoyed a worshipful Sunday today. We Skyped with our Daughter*1, her hubby and our 2 Grandgirls, so much fun! We attended church as a family and Daughter*2 and her hubby spent yesterday and today with us.  It is so nice to have them living near for a wonderful change.
Her hubby made us yummy dinner.....last night....AND today.  He is a wonderful cook and I really appreciate him being so kind and willing.  He made a wonderful Gluten Free Cherry/Berry Pie last night....just with a recipe in his head....and it was so wonderfully delicious!
My M-I-Law had dinner with us and helped me mend a knitted dolly sweater from a dolly I bought at a flea market in Germany this summer.....I was hoping she would know how to fix it. Between the two of us, it is fixed!
I am so grateful to my Savior, Jesus Christ, for His Love and willingness to atone for our sins. I am grateful to our Heavenly Father, who provided a way for us to return to Him, by His Grace and Mercy, made available to us by that atonement of His Son. I am grateful for the gift of the Holy Spirit, that leads me and guides me and makes it possible for me to feel that connection to my Heavenly Father.
I will talk about my beliefs on this blog, because it is a large part of my life.  But, I share what I believe because it is a part of my everyday life, I know my talents come from Him. And I don't expect others to believe how I do, I just like to share my thoughts....This picture hangs in our entry way to remind us

I Feel My Savior's Love, The Love He Freely Gives Me

Hope your Sunday was a Sabbath!

1 comment:

  1. We had son No. 2 and his family round for dinner on Sunday as well, but it was my Darling husband who cooked it, bless him. I love having my round round.


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