Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Special Gift....

...For a special friend, that I had planned to create once we arrived in Germany. 

     This lace piece is made from 6 strips of laces, hand stitched together. I had purchased it from a shop in my area at home. There were a few things I had tucked into a cellophane bag that I brought with me on our trip to make this gift. All of them beautifully old and some of them are very worn. 
I love this striped white and blue six inch ribbon. Definitely old and breaking down, but a wonderful element for a "project board", don't you think?   I don't usually make blue creations. It isn't one of my traditional colors to work or decorate with.
On the right is two pieces of some antique woven trim sewn together to make a two sided lace. I sewed them together myself. This is interesting trim, I am not sure of its intended application. It is a tube! And can be gathered beautifully. So that is what I did with some of it.

I also used this vintage pink six inch ribbon,
together with the laces, the striped ribbon and a piece of
linen that my daughter had left from some curtains.
I love how it looks together. I sewed some of the ribbon to the back of the piece of lace to add some color to the lace.
 I wasn't completely sure what I was making yet. But I realized that this would make a lovely pocket. I thought about a collage, but I wasn't sure
I could make it pretty ... I worry about that kind of stuff!

I started playing with the fabric pieces and layering and moving and realized I could make a project board. You know, a combining of elements that she could use for making her own creations. I had quite a few vintage pieces that could be used together and I trust her judgement better than my own when it comes to collages!!! So everything was sewn together with the intention that it could be taken apart and reused, should she decide to do that.
The piece of gathered trim, the blue ribbon with tiny silk flowers and lace pinned at each end, the length of vintage sequin leaves, the vintage peach ribbon bows and all the ribbons, tacked down for easy removal. The old cat eye  buttons were a fun addition that kind of brought all the colors together. The old seam binding and the purple flower motif were a great combination
of the colors as well!

I got so excited about it and so pleased with how it was moving along, I forgot to keep taking pictures! So here are close up pictures of the finished board. If I made an items list, it could probably be a page in a hunt for sewing notions book!

I love these pearly swirly things! There are eight on one ring and I think each one would be a beautiful addition to a vintage style/element necklace. There is also a tiny key from those I found here in Germany on the same string.

Here you can see the heavy olive green thread I attached, along with some vintage military flowers, the sequin leaves, a set of gold foil angel wings, and a vintage tassel I took apart and remade with added new crotchet threads that had similar colors in it. There is another larger German key I attached to the tassel, along with a perforated metal heart. I try to add a heart to the creations I make. Since the gift comes with my "Heartstrings" attached.
I love the iridescent sequin leaves, they reflect many of the colors in this piece and
give it a beautiful shimmer.

There are a few small hanks of crotchet threads, some other vintage laces and ribbons are hiding in there, along with a vintage paper doll and a vintage cupboard card with these words on it ~ 
"With Kind Remembrance". 
All of the fabrics you see were sewn to the piece of linen and then I glued that to an artist canvas board. I also made a cording twist and put it on as a hanger for the board.

I was happily surprised by how this turned out, and very satisfied! Especially since this is NOT what I was planning to make! I left a bag of fabrics, embellishments and a chip board box at the home of some friends we stayed with the night before we left for Germany. 
I hunted all over for it and I couldn't find it! I was afraid 
I had left it at home. The day we arrived in Germany, I received an email from her telling me she had found my "stash bag" between her guest bed and the wall. I did have it with me, it just slipped off the bed and was out of sight!  The sweet girl put it right into the mailbox for me, but it did not arrived in time for me to use any of it to make the gift. I will still use it, however, 
before I leave Germany!

As I got into bed that night after I finished this, I could feel my heart beating really hard.
I realized how excited I was that I was able to make something beautiful out 
of less materials than I supposed I would need.
I knew she would be happy for me that I finished a project I was
happy with, using less. Maybe having less options made it easier for me to accomplish. 
It seems with my particular form of A.D.D., more options makes it harder 
for me to decide what to actually use in a project.
Please come see my next post to find out who the gift was delivered to!!! 
It was as much fun to make as to deliver!!!


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!

"Have a very Happy Holiday, May your home be filled with happiness!
May your Christmas be a jolly one for everyone you love and bless!"

"May your troubles all be tiny ones, May your faults be not worth mentioning,
May your New Year be the very best it possibly could be!

"Oh, hear the sleigh bells as they come around the corner telling all of us that Christmas Time is not so far away!
Can't you hear the sleigh bells as they come around the corner telling all of us that Christmas Time is just a few more days?"

The above verse is a descant that is sung along with the verse and chorus of "Jingle Bells". I learned it when I was in junior high school and for a lot of years, just kind of forgot about it. 

Then one evening, 20 years ago at least while walking into a store just before Halloween, the words came into mind. My brain had to work on it for a few days, but it came up with part of the song and the words. I finally called a friend I had grown up with and ask if she remembered the song. And a few days later, she called me back and she had figured it out! So, I taught it to my family, and we have been singing it ever since!

Since we are in Germany this year for Christmas, we will be singing to ourselves instead of caroling to others homes. We may go on Second Day of Christmas, but we will have to see how everyone is feeling. 

Our focus will be upon the birth of the Savior, His life, His life mission, and what a wonderful gift He is to us as we remember Him, today and everyday.

"Oh, come let us adore him, Christ the Lord!"

Happy, Happy Christmas!!!
Christmas Hugs to all my blog following friends!


PS~The images I used can be found at
Thanks for the images, Julie!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Flohmarkt Finds!!!

I love the times I have been to fleamarkets in Germany. The old things here are beautiful... And well priced, many times. 

Look at all these amazing keys! I know many are not old, but they all are very cool looking and I have great plans for them!

I found about a dozen tiny ...things that I will use to embellish a typesetting tray when I get home. 

The two cups will go nicely with a silver tea set that I bought for the grands to use when they come visit.. We like hot chocolate parties! I love the old cigar box, it is made of wood and has a lovely label and writing on the sides. 

The little brass candle holder (?) will become a planter for a tiny tree, I think.

The cigar box was full of the keys. The vendor was asking €1 for each key and my daughter offered him €20 for the entire box. He agreed to €25 for the keys and the box. There were over 60 keys in the box of all shapes and sizes... It was such a great deal!

The towel that I have everything displayed on I also found there for €.50!!! It is a 3 ft x 3 ft towel, almost a tablecloth size. I love the vintage cookie cutter. It will be such a nice display piece.. And we can make lots of cookies at once! 

I will be using some of the keys for this year's Christmas  ornaments, makes it especially fun since we are spending Christmas here and I found th here!!!
Happy Happy Christmas Time to you all!

Hugs, and Christmas Love,

Monday, December 22, 2014

Where in the World are Betsy and her Heartstrings?


Hubby and I headed to visit family for Christmas.

It was a gorgeous day for flying... So much beauty to see. 

Can you see where we landed??? I have never been there before, but I did find out I have ancestors from there. 
Our flight left at 7:45 am from Reykjavik and it was still dark, dark, dark when we left.

During the shorter three hour flight from there to our destination, we saw beautiful views of shorelines,

And big ocean cargo ships, far below us!

Our final destination does not show in this picture, but soon after we landed, we were with some of our favorite people! 

We are in Germany visiting Daughter*1, her Hubby and our Grandgirls!
In the picture, the girls are wearing the twirly dresses we brought them. It has been fun giving them small gifts every day since we arrived. The twelve days of Mimi!!!

We had a two hour nap and then headed out to go grocery shopping! 

Daughter*1 knows how to get over jet lag. We do what she tells us and in just a few days we are adjusted to the new time zone. 

The day after we arrived was my birthday and guess where we went for my birthday...
The Frankfurt Flohmarkt !!!! What a great Birthday celebration! I purchased some great finds!!!! Can't wait to show them all to you! 

Here is a peek at some of what I found ... I will show you everything in the next post. 

What a wonderful Birthday gift, being with our daughter's family and a jaunt to a flohmarkt! Who could ask for more???! Not me!!!
I will be back soon to the blog, with all my fun finds!!!
Hugs From Germany!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

I have been busy since I posted last, I know you have been busy, as well!
An annual Christmas bazaar I have been to selling apples, or sparkling cider or handmade gifts.

My sweet friend and I share booth spaces each year. She really makes gorgeous handcrafted gifts and ornaments. Her daughter joined her this year and we had a great time!
My cabinet all finished! With the drawer in place and everything! I forgot to take picture of the inside of the drawer. Hubby did an amazing job making that panel on top become a drawer! He was a bit concerned about messing it up, but 
I was certain he would be able to do an awesome job! He thinks I am too confident in his ability!
I decided to use my extra fabric boxes as shelves inside the cabinet, instead of placing permanent shelves. This way, I have many more options for use of this cabinet. I Love It! And it is perfect for using for cider tasting! It holds the bags, the paper towels, the tags, the scissors, the cash, the foil cutter, the tasting cups and everything I need to have on hand while I am selling. And it is orderly and beautiful! Isn't he amazing?! I think so! 
The gorgeous wood signs with vinyl lettering are made by Daughter*2 and she does a beautiful job! 
Hope you have loved the Christmas shows you have been involved in, whether selling or finding Christmas decor and gifts!
I have to show you items I found at a Christmas market! You will be so surprised!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Merry Christmas Pictures

While the kids were home for Thanksgiving,
We took some family pictures for Christmas. Of course it was fun
since we do "fun" so well! My niece, Jenna, took these pictures for us she was
with us for Thanksgiving since her home was farther away
than ours is from college. She is there with our Son and Daughter*4.
Daughter*3 has graduated from college and lives and works near them as well.

"Deck the Halls with boughs of Holly...."

This was the idea of the "Boss", 
You know how whomever is the baby at the time is the boss about what 
happens and when it happens with your family? Like when you are leaving for church 
and the baby needs a diaper change, or you have to stop the car and feed the baby, 
or get out of the shower to feed the baby, or at 2 they need to use the bathroom 
right when you are paying for groceries at store..., well, "The Baby", 
(Daughter*4 in the middle,on the chair) wanted us to do this we did!
Daughter*1 says the "Fa la la la la, la la la la" tells you just how 
"Fierce" we are not...I mean, ARE!

Hubby and I....I love this man....more than anything....

Daughter*2 is married to SonInLaw*1 becasue they got married first!
This sounds kinda...hmmmm... LOL!
Daughter *2 and SonInLaw*1, Hubby and me, Daughter*4, Son
and Daughter*3 aren't married, but this is how they
generally respond when the other "stuff" is going on...

Son and Daughter*4 have this picture tradition, he just has to pick her up.
He has hauled her around for 18 years and figures he isn't going to stop just yet!
Now he lives about 50 yards from her at college, where he can still kep and eye on her!

We were sad that the people who live in Germany could not be here for our family
picture,  but....we do have some "PLANS" for them....
You will get to see pictures of them this month, too.

These are my favorite German Traditional Christmas cookies. They are Gluten Free,
Easy to make, and are delicious! Tomorrow is St. Nicholas Day in Germany
I hope my "German" friends are able to enjoy some of these cookies
tomorrow! I will be at a Christmas Show so I don't think
I will get to make any more of these then.

Some Pictures of Christmas Decor at our Home 

Winter Wreath

Christmas Display on my Father's handmade toolbox.
I don't know how old he was when he made this, but I know it has been around 
at least since the 1940s. I LOVE IT!

A garland I made with wire and silver beads and bells with the silver ribbon bow on the ends.
I placed it in the garland on the stair rail.

This is how the corner at the top of the stairs looks.
I love the snowmen. The one on the right I recieved as a gift from my friend
for my birthday, and his sign says,
"All my friends at Flakes!"
I love that snowman!
The ice skates are some my parents had that my children used when they 
went skating with my Dad so they are reminders of wonderful memories.

Have fun decorating your home!! See you soon!
Hugs and December Love!
