Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I Love Hearts!

It has been a busy summer and I haven't even posted about most of it.

I was able, however, to work on some things while traveling in the car to wherever we 
were going, and I wanted to show some of them to you!

 I have been wanting to crochet some hearts to use for ..... Fun! And possibly for Christmas ornaments. I am participating in a few Christmas Boutiques and I thought some of these in a rustic style might be of interest to a few people. I think I will make a garland as well, we will see.

I saw a picture of these on Julia's blog, Vintage with Laces, in February, 
but could not remember whose blog it was on. I hunted and hunted 
and finally read on a different blog that she had received a gift from Julia 
and included in that gift was one of these crotcheted hearts! I could see it in the picture!

They are called Swedish Hearts, and Julia was kind enough to direct me back to her 
Original Blog Post about finding the pattern. 
Julia saw these hearts on the blog yarnroundhook.
The gal there had found the instructions, but they were in Dutch.
She translated the instructions to English, UK english, so I still had to figure out the specifics. 
What they call a triple crochet is a double crochet in the US, and a double crochet is a single crochet. 
I figured that part out! I am proud of me! (even though it wasn't that hard to figure!)

This one was the first one I made. It was very sloppy slippery. I used a shiny silky thread and it wasn't a good choice to begin with. I love the shine to it, but I couldn't keep the thread tension even at first,
so I just changed to a cotton thread. 
I love the intense red thread, but I think the white and off white and tan colors might sell better.  
This gorgeous handkerchief was made for me
 by my niece, Dawn. 
She loves me and I love her!
We are two months different in age, 
and we have grown up more like  sisters than Aunt and Niece. 
We have taught each other lots of wonderful things, and shared many wonderful memories. 
And I will cherish and use this handkerchief, she is so sweet. She was crocheting lace 
when they came to visit for a week this summer. I LOVE IT!

My crocheting improved as I continued to work on hearts. I want to use some on the top of boxes, 
and make some tiny ones for a garland. I will add some crinkle ribbon, and stiffen them with starch. 
I think that will work. I will post those pictures when I get them finished! 

If you have not visited Julia's Blog
You might want to pop over there and take a look. 
She makes beautiful items with gorgeous detailed accents.....
I really sigh a lot when I visit her blog! LOL

Hope you've had a "Lovely Day" and that your heart is warm! 


Posting to Becky's Blog,
Blissful White Wednesdays
(Well, that was the plan, anyway! Hope Becky gets her computer fixed for her sake!)
Also posting to Doni's Blog,

Thanks, Doni and Becky!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013


I have been so busy, busy, busy, I hope I am able to post all the pictures of the amazing, 
fun, relaxing, hard work things I have been up to this summer. 
I am still in the middle of painting, organizing, going to the airport, going out for dinner
and cooking dinner for guests, helping with wedding receptions,
coloring with grand girls, sewing fun things to play with at tea parties,
making cookies, getting professional family pictures taken, having 
welcome home parties, going to the beach and celebrating Christmas in August! 
Makes me tired just writing about it!!!! 

It has been hard work and lots of FUN!!!!
And in the beautiful middle of all of this, I received
a package... in the mail... 
From Australia!!!! 
Tag created by Suzi gorgeous!

Do you see the button on the left sidebar of my blog announcing a blog give away that 
Suzi Q from "Suziqu's threadworks" 
hosted on her "Where Bloggers Create " post?

I really enjoyed her post about where she creates, I have admired and loved her 
work since I started looking at blogs. I saw her give away,
 but you know, with her over 5,000 followers, I was completely sure I would not win it.
So, I posted her blog give away button to help others see her offering of a gift to a follower.

Tag created by Suzi Q,, love her love her Vintage laces!

Well, knock me down and pick me up, I am the blogger that won the 2nd place 
item she was offering to one of the many, Many, MANY bloggers who put 
her button on the sidebar of their blogs!!!!!  I was screamin' happy,
and that is NO exaggeration!! I could hardly sleep that night!
If you have not seen Suzy's creative genius, you will want to go to her  Blog and look around. 
You don't have to look far to see her amazing, gorgeous creations that will 
take your breath away..... I have wanted to touch something of hers for a long time. 
Every item is detailed and has a delicate beauty all its own...

This is Suzi Qs picture of the lace cuff she so generously offered bloggers who shared her giveaway link.

Her vintage lace books and journals, fabric books, quilts, her "heartstrings"....
(wonder why I'd like those!!!) doilies and tags are so detailed and so exquisite, 
my mouth is drops open the entire time I spend at her blog.

Created by Suzi Q

Her textures and fabrics are so interesting in every detail...I am in awe!

Doesn't Suzi Q make beautiful things????

This is the beautiful cuff she made and I received as the give away winner! It came "wrapped" in a pattern piece, and along with it came the gorgeous tag in the pictures above. She has used more than a dozen different kinds of laces on this cuff, 

Made by Suzi Q

It is covered in hand dyed lace motifs, vintage buttons, beads, pearls and vintage jewelry pieces.
Cuff made by Suzi Q

The vintage doilies look hand crotcheted and some are made with silken threads.
I love the jewelry pieces, vintage pearls and buttons she hand sewed onto
a base of vintage wool felt.  

Beautiful details by Suzi Q

I love the beaded flower and the hand stamped "Paris" on the pink and white pieces of fabric.

Suzi's pearls and bling and gauze, amazing combintions.

The vintage jewelry pieces and beads give so much detail to the piece, I just keep turning
and examining it and turning it again...

Suzi chooses beautiful embellishments...

My blue finger~nailed model was happy to be wearing it, I am not sure I can keep it off of her!!!
Suzy, she, the model, has decided that this is what we will be making for her bridesmaids
in the future dreamy wedding reception of hers, we have had such fun talking about it....
But first, she must find her prince, and she is just 17 so that is
certainly NOT at the top of her list in life right now!

Suzy also sent some pretty napkins with lovely images and sayings on them,
I look forward to using these on future projects!

I love how she nested the taupe~ish gray
pearls into the stained gauze, it is just so exquisitely Amazing! 

The gorgeous vintage lace cuff.......ah....I can't believe it is mine!!!!

I never thought I would win her give away, but I am so honored and thankful to Suzy for her generosity and kindness in making such gorgeous items and offering them to her follows as gifts!!!
 I hope I can make and offer something as wonderful to my followers one day!!! 

You know the professional pictures I mentioned? 
Wait till you see how I included the cuff!!!!
I think you will like it!
and so is your work!!! 
Thank you, so very much, dear friend!!!!

Hugs to you all!!!!

PS ~ Yes, I am aware that there are other punctuation marks on a keyboard 
in addition to an exclamation mark.  Just sayin'...